Everything about the colour world for event and umbrella brand
The primary colours of Messe Frankfurt corporate brand are Messe Red, Messe Blue, Messe Yellow and Messe Grey as well as lighter and darker tones.
The secondary colours of Messe Frankfurt are bright and strong colours and serve as complementary colours to the overall colour range. All colours are shown in the following tables.
Each event brand has a primary colour which is used as its highlight colour.
We recommend defining a secondary colour for event brands which can be used alternatively or in addition to the primary colour. This can be an existing colour used in a specific campaign that is used permanently as a secondary colour, or it can be a complementary colour, that harmonises well with the primary colour. For hyperlinks, and other interactions such as buttons, in digital applications event brands only use the secondary colour.
- Messe Frankfurt Colours (zip, 222 KB)