
Email signature

For professional correspondence

Email signatures are an important part of daily correspondence with customers, business partners and colleagues. Their uniform use on the one hand ensures that your information and contents are communicated clearly and on the other hand that Messe Frankfurt is identified as the sender in a consistent and professional way.

On this page, we show you the most important information, possibilities and details for creating your email signature. 



The signature is composed of four sections and contains information about person and company, legal information (mandatory), details of events and finally social media. Between each section there is a hard break.

Soft breaks are placed between lines, except when using images; a hard break is inserted before and after each image.

If possible, the signature is introduced by the Messe Frankfurt symbol, followed by a hard break to lead into the first section (information about person and company).

  1. First name and surname, followed by job title and department
  2. Company name and address
  3. Landline and mobile phone numbers (if available)
  4. Personal email address (linked to email)
  5. Website URL (linked to website)
  1. Information on the Supervisory Board: “Chairman of the Supervisory Board: title, first name, surname”
  2. Information about the Executive Board: “Executive Board: first name, surname (title), first name, surname, first name, surname”.
  3. Information on legal form: “District Court Frankfurt am Main, HRB 58331”
  1. Event-related image (note: for security reasons, links may not be applied on pictures)
  2. Website of event brand / event URL (linked to website)
  3. Listing of events with formatting: “date, event title, location, country”
  1. Introductory sentence “Follow us on”
  2. List of social media channels, separated by commas in the following sequence: Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn (each with link to the website of the social media channel)
  • Format 1 (recommended standard): width 312 pixels, height 92 pixels
  • Format 2: width 312 pixels, height 154 pixels
  • Typeface: Arial Regular
  • Highlighted in Arial Bold: “first name, surname”, “company”
  • Type size as for running text: Arial 10/12 pt; legal information: Arial 6.5/7.5 pt
  • Text colour: black
  • Link colour: Windows and OSX default settings


  • If it is not possible to reproduce the Messe Frankfurt symbol, it may be omitted.
  • References to social media channels can be added.
  • Especially on mobile devices, involuntary line breaks can occur due to long names, email addresses or details of contact information.
  • Additional lines, e.g. legally required information, can be added.