Who we are: our brand identity.
We know who we are and what sets us apart – and what specific values we stand for. Customers the world over appreciate this unique identity, which has been the hallmark of our business from the very beginnings of our company to the present day.
Since the Middle Ages, Frankfurt has been a major international trade centre. From the first industry and trade fairs in the 19th century, our foundation in 1907 as Ausstellungs- und Festhallengesellschaft mbH and our internationalisation strategy, we have paved our way into the 21st century.
Today, we are a global leader for trade fairs and events. With one of the largest exhibition centres in the world, with our network of international partners, with unceasing innovative strength and value creation, as well as our strong brand portfolio, we cultivate close customer relationships – and present the ideal platform for future success.
How we act: our brand story and the brand values

Together it describes the goals and criteria of our actions – this is how we want to be perceived by our customers and partners:

How we communicate: our brand tonality in communications
The tonality is derived from the brand attributes. While the brand values apply across the group brands, the terms relating to the tonality provide specific recommendations for brand communication and presentation. The values describe the “WHAT?” and the tonality describes the “HOW?”.

The brand tonality sets the tone of the communication.